12 Steps
Wellness is a journey!
One person’s perfect potion can be another's poison.
Creating a cleansing lifestyle is truly about what works for you.
1.) Water, water, water - with lemon, with ginger, hot,
cold room temperature . . . water!
2.) You want me to eat more? When you begin the
journey of eating clean you have to start by eating clean! Add in tons of
leafy green vegetables, other vegetables and fruits as well. Eat organic
and local as often as you can.
3.) Crazy concoctions! Some of the recipes out there are
amazing but can be overwhelming. Keep it simple. An avocado with
lemon or lime and a vegetable will fill you up. Vegetables with hummus.
4.) Write it don't bite it! Write down your
cravings. See if there is a pattern in times and/or situations.
Start to hold yourself accountable not your surrounding situations.
5.) From sluggish to sassy - Moving your body is
critical! - buy some new workout gear, get schedules for a variety of
workout facilities, try new classes and make sure you sweat!
6.) Be prepared not scared - Often times we are
scared of our own cravings and routines. Prepare by cutting up plenty of
fruits and vegetables. Make a meal plan for the week.
7.) Paws out of the package! A few days a week focus
on avoiding foods that come in a package.
8.) Grain guru - become aware of whole grains
(quinoa, millet, teff, brown rice, barley). Everybody's body handles
grains differently. If you feel sluggish after eating grains, you may
have over done it or that grain may not be a good fit for you.
9.) Are you paying attention? - listening to your body and
the signs it is giving you is the only answer to true wellness and weight
control. Your blood sugar levels (are you tired often or extremely hungry
often), how you poop and if you have a clean wipe, brain clarity and mood are
all good things to pay attention to. If those things are in place, weight
loss is bound to follow!
10.) NO don't take away my ..... - That's fine we won't
take it away. But if you want to see result old habits eventually will
have to be minimized...significantly for great results.
11.) Mind over madness - Stop the insanity! With all
the chatter and noise about eating well it is so hard to find what works for us
as individuals. Be patient and keep a positive frame of mind!
"I am healthy, strong and confident." "I know how to
feed my body good clean food that works for me."
12.) The tortoise won!
Love deeply, eat mindfully,