Wednesday, March 19, 2014

12 Steps to Wellness

12 Steps

Wellness is a journey!

One person’s perfect potion can be another's poison.  Creating a cleansing lifestyle is truly about what works for you.

1.)  Water, water, water - with lemon, with ginger, hot, cold room temperature . . . water!

2.)  You want me to eat more?  When you begin the journey of eating clean you have to start by eating clean!  Add in tons of leafy green vegetables, other vegetables and fruits as well.  Eat organic and local as often as you can.

3.) Crazy concoctions!  Some of the recipes out there are amazing but can be overwhelming.  Keep it simple.  An avocado with lemon or lime and a vegetable will fill you up.  Vegetables with hummus.  

4.)  Write it don't bite it!  Write down your cravings.  See if there is a pattern in times and/or situations.  Start to hold yourself accountable not your surrounding situations.

5.)  From sluggish to sassy -  Moving your body is critical! - buy some new workout gear, get schedules for a variety of workout facilities, try new classes and make sure you sweat!

6.)  Be prepared not scared - Often times we are scared of our own cravings and routines.  Prepare by cutting up plenty of fruits and vegetables.  Make a meal plan for the week. 

7.)  Paws out of the package!  A few days a week focus on avoiding foods that come in a package.

8.)  Grain guru  -  become aware of whole grains (quinoa, millet, teff, brown rice, barley).  Everybody's body handles grains differently.  If you feel sluggish after eating grains, you may have over done it or that grain may not be a good fit for you. 

9.)  Are you paying attention? - listening to your body and the signs it is giving you is the only answer to true wellness and weight control.  Your blood sugar levels (are you tired often or extremely hungry often), how you poop and if you have a clean wipe, brain clarity and mood are all good things to pay attention to.  If those things are in place, weight loss is bound to follow!

10.)  NO don't take away my ..... - That's fine we won't take it away.  But if you want to see result old habits eventually will have to be minimized...significantly for great results.

11.)  Mind over madness - Stop the insanity!  With all the chatter and noise about eating well it is so hard to find what works for us as individuals.  Be patient and keep a positive frame of mind!  "I am healthy, strong and confident."  "I know how to feed my body good clean food that works for me." 

12.)  The tortoise won! 

Love deeply, eat mindfully,

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just Wait


Whenever the topic of children and food came up with seasoned mothers, I was often told, “Just wait until your girls go to school.”

Well, for all of you seasoned moms that thought you were having the last laugh. . .you may continue on your soapbox and laugh at me.  Holy, yikes, snurp!  My girls have been bringing lunch to school for two months, for two days a week and ALL I hear about is what the other kids have and whether my girls will be getting a treat also!?!?

I am learning that it is a tough balance.  I try to send them with homemade cookies that I feel good about.  But sometimes they make out with a piece of left over birthday candy or left over holiday candy (just like the other kids!).

I know!  I caved after two months of pre-k!  It almost feels as if there is this bizarre pressure of wanting your child to feel good (and proud) about what mom has put in their lunchbox . . . hence the Skittles.  

But the Skittles are a special treat.  Below is a batch of homemade cookies that my girls love.

Gluten Free Power Cookies

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Place the following ingredients in a large bowl:

1 cup sun butter, peanut butter or almond
1 cup gluten free rolled oats
¼ cup chia seeds
2 tablespoons honey or grade B maple syrup
¼ cup coconut sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup chocolate chips

Mix well, shape into flat cookies on a tray and bake for 10 minutes.  Must let cool!

Love deeply and eat mindfully,

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What's the Deal With Gluten?

What’s the Deal With Gluten?

“So Abraham ran back to the tent and said to Sarah, ‘Hurry!  Get three large measures of your best flour, knead it into dough, and bake some bread.’” (Genesis 18:6).

If Seinfeld were still on the air, I could hear Jerry saying, “And Gluten!  What’s the deal with gluten?”  I have visions of Kramer overeating bowls of quinoa . . . “You gotta try it, Jerry!” I see George slapping a newspaper (after reading an article in the New York Times) saying, “This is it!  This is it, Jerry.  This is going to solve all of my problems. ”  With Elaine coming into the conversation late, eating pizza and reassuring everyone they do not need to be gluten free because a girl in her office is gluten-free and her lunch orders are so annoying . . . .

But really, what is the deal with gluten?  To put it simply, gluten is the protein found in wheat.   “The term ‘gluten’ encompasses two primary families of proteins, the gliadins and the glutenins.” (Pg. 38 Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD).  According to Dr. Davis, “Glutens are the storage proteins of the wheat plant, a means of storing carbon and nitrogen for germination of the seed to form new wheat plants.  Leavening, the ‘rising’ process created by the marriage of wheat with yeast, does not occur without gluten, and is therefore unique to wheat flower.”  (So basically, you will never find really good gluten free bread, pizza or bagels!)

Wheat has undergone many transformations over the past several decades as a result of cross-breading, hybridization, genetic changes designed to increase yield per acre.  “Wheat gluten proteins, in particular, undergo considerable structural change with hybridization.  In one hybridization experiment, fourteen new gluten proteins were identified in the offspring that were not present in either parent wheat plant.  Moreover, when compared to century-old strains of wheat, modern strains of triticum aestivum (modern wheat) express a higher quantity of genes for gluten proteins that are associated with celiac disease.”(Pg. 26, Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD).  This is not the crop Sarah was making bread from in the book of Genesis! 
So has all this change in our wheat and wheat proteins caused the rise in celiac and gluten intolerance?  The jury is still out.  Some doctors, scientists and wellness practitioners are putting their eggs in this basket and others are not.  Other theories for the rise in celiac cases include overuse of antibiotics and over the counter medications, overconsumption of refined wheat products generally, change to the body after illness, giving birth, aging, stress, environmental changes, and timing of exposure to gluten as an infant. 

Celiac Disease is a genetically predisposed autoimmune disorder that prevents the body from digesting gluten.  For those with celiac disease, gluten triggers the immune system to attack the small intestine.  As a result, the villi (small finger like projections of tissue in the small intestines) in the small intestine become inflamed and unable to perform the task of absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream.  If not treated properly over time, celiac disease can deprive the body of vital nutrients to the brain, nervous system, bones, liver and other organs. 

Some Signs and Symptoms of Celiac in Adults:

·      Diarrhea or constipation
·      Weight gain or weight loss
·      Bloating
·      Skin irritation (dermatitis herpetiformis)
·      Joint and bone pain
·      Arthritis
·      Miscarriages, infertility and other hormone complications in woman
·      Fatigue
·      Irritability, depression, anxiety or behavior changes
·      Tingling numbness in hands and feet
·      Erratic menstrual periods
·      Mouth Sores
·      Iron deficiency

Some Signs and Symptoms of Celiac in Children:

·      Growth problems
·      Decrease appetite and failure to gain weight
·      Chronic diarrhea
·      Chronic constipation
·      Vomiting
·      Abdominal bloating and pain
·      Fatigue
·      Irritability

Gluten Sensitivity, Gluten Intolerance or Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity are terms used for individuals who have tested negative for celiac but display celiac symptoms, and have found relief from those symptoms by removing gluten from their diets.  Generally, the immune systems of individuals with gluten sensitivity are not as compromised as those diagnosed with celiac.  Although there has not been a great deal of research on non-celiac gluten sensitivities, some doctors recommend experimenting with a gluten-free diet as a means to alleviate celiac symptoms even where a celiac test has come back negative.

Wheat Allergy is an allergic reaction to wheat.  Wheat is one of the top eight allergens in the U.S.  According to “Researchers have actually identified 27 different potential wheat allergens. The notorious protein gluten is one potential allergen, but there are more than two dozen others.”  People with a wheat allergy have a response to wheat such as sniffling, itching, hives, cramping, nausea, vomiting, and, in extreme cases, difficulty with breathing and swelling of the throat and airway.  The fact that a person is allergic to wheat does not mean that the person is necessarily allergic to gluten.

*          *          *

Wheat (in all its gluten glory) remains a staple of the American diet, as well as many other cultures.  For people who can tolerate it, high quality sprouted or fermented wheat can provide us with beneficial nutrients, vitamins and minerals.  However, for those individuals who display celiac symptoms, removal of gluten from the diet should be considered.  (It is important to note, however, that gluten-free diets typically eliminate the over-processed, refined foods that shouldn’t be in any of our diets!  Therefore, the health benefits obtained from removing gluten from the diet might have less to do with gluten sensitivity and more to do with healthier eating generally.) 

Friday, January 24, 2014

From Getting by to Becoming an Eater Again

What do People on the Paleo Diet do When They are Pregnant?  I Have NO Idea!

I don’t want to bore non-pregnant readers with the details so I will keep the confession honest and short.  Bagels, Doritos, ice-cream, Bay Deli egg sandwiches and coffee . . .UUHH, doesn’t a lot of the vital development happen the first three months?  Hope she is ok in there!

14 weeks of eating whatever I wanted because it made me feel better, brought me back to a place in my life when I didn’t know what to eat.  Cravings leading to bad choices and bad choices leading to other unhealthy choices.  It really is a cycle.  At some point during the 14 weeks I knew I had to start making slow steady changes.   Here is a list of products that helped me from going completely over the edge.  

Orgain was and still is used when I have chocolate milkshake cravings.  Yes I have had my share of ice-cream but I had to stop the insanity at some point!

My vegetables for a few weeks!  

I was actually able to get these down with a banana, walnuts and chia seeds.  That was probably the healthiest thing I ate for the first few weeks . . . 

To replace the Doritos that I had to throw away!

These eventually took over my bagel addiction.

Making the transition back to being a healthy eater has made me realize how much of what, when and how we eat is habit, routine and frame of mind.  "Oh I am pregnant I can have it!" "When am I going to enjoy this again?"  Food can easily become a reward for baring a child, a stressful day or a successful day.  Terry asked me if I wanted ice-cream the other night and I said, "No."  He said, "Are you sure? You only have a few more months left."  A few more months left of what?  Aliens are coming and taking away our ice-cream supply?!  

Alas, I am back to eating whole foods!  I feel fortunate to have gotten my appetite back and am truly loving being back in the kitchen. Please check out my newest recipe that has helped me kick obsessing over an afternoon treat and cup of coffee all in one drink!

Chocolate Almond Delight - A Vegan, Gluten Free Treat
In a high powered blender place the following ingredients:
  • 1/3 cup of almonds
  • 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
  • 2 medjool dates (pits taken out)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 3 tablespoon of Raw Cocoa Powder
  • 1/3 cup of coconut water
  • 2 cups of water
  • 6-7 ice-cubes

Blend well until smooth.  If desire add more cocoa.  
For a mint chocolate delight add a drop of mint extract!

Makes - 3 1/2 cups

Love deeply and eat mindfully,