Monday, December 9, 2013

Making Hard Changes With a Smile

Making Hard Changes With a Smile

Many friends and clients ask, “How can I change the way my family eats after feeding them the same way for so many years?”  My answer is always: “Go slow, introduce fruits and vegetables gradually, and do the best you can at that given moment.”  At the end of the day, changing the way your family eats is not an easy task!  Here is one friend’s story.

In high school Tricia lit up the hallways with her warm heart and genuine smile.   Ask anyone from Huntington High School’s class of ‘93, “Who is the most genuinely happy person you know?”  Their answer would likely be Tricia Russo.
Blake Woodworth on left Tricia Miller on right learning about hemp seeds

Now, Tricia Miller (formerly Russo) is igniting that love and happiness in her kitchen. With her newfound passion for giving her family good quality food, Tricia shared with me her journey for changing the way she feeds herself and family.

Tricia’s path to change began with her sister’s recommendation to watch, “Forks Over Knives” by Lee Fulkerson and “Hungry for Change” by James Colquhoun and Laurentine Bosch.  After watching these films and attending one of my Taste and Talks, Patricia gained a clear understanding of what it means to feed her family good quality, organic, whole foods.  “My desire for change was that I became aware of what Americans are actually eating.

A year ago Tricia prepared many refined foods and was not clear on why buying organic and GMO free was so important.  “We ate more white flours. For example, pasta, pancakes and we ate any kind of whole wheat bread. I tried baking with whole wheat thinking it was the best and we ate less veggies and fruits. I thought we needed to have a starch with our dinner and/or all meals.”

What I love about Tricia’s story is that she did not do a complete overhaul.  She substituted her everyday foods for healthier versions and added in fruits and vegetables.  Here are some of the changes she has made:

1.)   She substituted her pancake mix with Bob’s Red Mill, made with organic brown rice flour and other whole grain flour, and for other quick breakfast options she uses Vans products.

2.)   Her bread choice went from any whole-wheat brand to organic Ezekiel Bread.

3.)   More fruits and vegetables have been incorporated into the family’s day.  Breakfast includes a green smoothie and dinner always has a green vegetable.
4.)   Chicken nuggets are now homemade or Applegate.

5.)   Oreos and other foods with artificial sweeteners, coloring and flavors have been removed from the cupboards.  Tricia and her kids worked together to find healthy substitutes.

My favorite part of Tricia’s story is how she involves her children.  She has involved them in reading labels and understanding why fruits and vegetables are so important for the body and why it is important to buy organic.  Her kids don’t always eat what is presented but she continues to expose and educate her family on the importance of eating good quality whole foods.  Getting the kids to drink green juice and eat green veggies started with TEARS but I was persistent!!”  Everyday for a month her son Alex ate one crumb of broccoli.  Eventually she got him to take one bite and now he eats it without a fuss!

Tricia admits she spends more on food since having gone organic and incorporating coconut products to replace some of the dairy in her home.  But Tricia and her husband think the changes are worth it.  She continues to shop at Stop and Shop but is more aware of reading labels and seeking out organic produce and meats.  Tricia shops the perimeter of the food store and when she goes into the middle it is for the natural section only.  She is a able to save by buying some organic products at BJ’s.

I would like to say a special thanks to Tricia for opening up to me about her family’s journey to a healthier lifestyle.  I hope Tricia’s honesty and evident determination inspires others who are on this path.  I know she has inspired me!

This is the first of many stories I hope to share with you.  Making changes to how we live is not an easy task.  If you are interested in sharing your story, please let me know!

Love deeply and eat mindfully,

Kim Gilroy –

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Brain Food

An abundance of research demonstrates the connection between the food we eat and how our brain functions.

“From simple irritants like forgetting where you put your glasses or keys, to forgetting names and faces, brain impairment with aging is, most of all, a product of lifestyle, environment, and nutrition.  ‘The brain cells are our largest and most energy demanding and most fragile cells,’ Dr. Kidd says.” (Gary Null, Ph.D., The Food Mood Connection pg.15)

“Changing your diet, nutrient levels, circadian rhythms or sleep patterns, the substances you use, the amount of exercise or playtime you have, getting rid of toxins in your system, balancing hormones, correcting imbalances in your digestive track, boosting your cells’ ability to produce energy and fixing food sensitivities or allergies can all radically transform your mood and brain function.” (Mark Hyman, M.D., The Ultra Mind Solution, pg. 19)

“Neurotransmitters are the messenger molecules produced by nerve cells to communicate and control almost every function of your body.  This is the way your brain ‘talks.’ ” (Mark Hyman, M.D., The Ultra Mind Solution, pg.97).   There are four key neurotransmitters that play a significant role in making this body, brain, food, and mood connection.

The Ultra Mind Solution by, Mark Hyman, M.D. pg. 100
·       Dopamine and Catecholamine (epinephrine and norepinephrine):  Getting Focused
·       Serotonin: Staying Happy
·       GABA:  Getting Relaxed
·       Acetylcholine:  Learning and remembering

When I simplify this information for my clients, I explain it like this: “Our body has neurotransmitters that send messages throughout our body.  What we put into our body affects these transmitters especially the ones sending signals to our brain.  This is why it is vital to eat quality whole foods.”

Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are three ways to keep the body and brain in balance. The most important thing to remember is to eat high quality (organic, GMO free, sustainable), whole foods as often as you can.  I often write and talk about the importance of gradual changes to diet and exercise programs, and I believe in the concept of “adding in”; however, when it comes to seeing results in brain function, I do believe in more of a “gangbusters” approach.  Refined sugars, especially corn syrup, should be eliminated, along with hydrogenated oil and food dyes.  For some people, eliminating gluten can also have significant positive impact on brain function. 

Furthermore, omega – 3 fatty acids are an essential nutrient in repairing and maintaining brain function.  Some foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are:  hemp seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, salmon (I recommend wild caught), sardines, grass-fed beef, eggs (must eat the yolks for the full benefit), soybeans, and tofu.
Brain-Boosting Snack:

A Classic with Chia Seeds

·      1 heaping tablespoon of natural peanut or almond butter
·      1 teaspoon of chia seeds
·      Mix together and spread on a sliced apple

    For more information and ideas on how to fuel your brain and soul contact me, 

    Love deeply and eat mindfully,
    Kim Gilroy -

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


This information is derived from the website  Please take the time to visit the site and get your products ratings.  Our skin absorbs toxins and particles from our products and the environment.  Doing every bit we can to keep toxins out of the body aides in our wellness journey.

This summer when buying your sunscreen please be careful of some of these red and yellow light ingredients.

·      Oxybenzone
·      Octinoxate
·      BHT
·      Retinyl Palitate
·      Homosalate
·      Peg-8
·      Peg-100

The other important factor you want to consider is the Nano size.  Some products are beginning to label non-Nano zinc oxide in place of just zinc oxide.  You want to look for non-Nano.  Nano particles are more easily absorbed into the skin and that’s when you start to get toxicity in the body, which leads to endocrine disruption.  Yes, your sunscreen affects you on a cellular level!  If you are second-guessing me, Doctor Oz has said it too.

There are plenty of highly rated sunscreens on the market.  But I highly recommend visiting the website,  Products such as Neutrogena that have the Cancer Foundation seals on the bottle and the words “Dermatologist Recommended” have received red light (not good) ratings.  When investigating I also found that although one product from a company may get a red light rating, they have other products that have gotten yellow and green light ratings. 

Please take the time to check your sunscreen rating.  For the next three months we are going to be putting sunscreen on (into) our bodies several times a day.  Be informed and read carefully.

Love deeply, eat mindfully and lather up wisely,
Kim Gilroy

Friday, June 7, 2013

Food For Life

Food For Life

I have gone on record to all of my family, friends and clients, claiming that Ezekiel bread is the bread you must eat.  I have gotten tons of feed back about how having this bread has clearly made a difference in people’s energy levels and makes them feel fuller than their breads of the past.  The sprouted grains in this bread are whole grains that have not gone through the milling process.  The bread is made from sprouted whole grains apposed to milled flour, which most bread on our grocery store shelves is made from. 

The sprouting process removes the outside layer of the grain and begins the sprouting process allowing the rich nutrients to be absorbed into our bodies more efficiently. These whole grains sustain us for longer periods of time because of all the wonderful nutrients that are present during the digestion process.  Grains and wheat that have been milled into flour then made into bread are so processed and refined they hit your blood stream much faster causing your blood sugar levels to rise and fall.  This rise and fall usually leaves you hungry and looking for more refined carbs.

With all the of the news on GMO’s and wheat I felt it was my obligation to point out that Ezekiel Food for Life bread has not yet been verified by the Non GMO Project.  It is labeled “Organic” and their website claims NO GMO’s but they are not listed on the Non GMO Project verified list. On their Facebook page a customer asked about it and the answer stated that they were in the process of being verified.

I just wanted to give my friends and family two other brands of sprouted bread that I have tried and liked, Alvarado St. Bakery and One Degree Organic Foods.  Both can be found in the frozen food sections of your local heath food store.  There are quite a few on the market that are Non GMO project verified.  I look forward to branching out and experimenting.  Please let me know the brands you have tried and enjoyed!

I have also copied some basic GMO information from the Non GMO project website.  I want to be clear though . . . at the end of the day, we shouldn’t be eating all that much out of a package or a box to begin with. Think of eating and learning about GMO’s like this, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Aristotle

The following information has been taken from the Non GMO project website.

“What are GMOs? 
GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. These experimental combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.
Virtually all-commercial GMOs are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide. Despite biotech industry promises, none of the GMO traits currently on the market offer increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit.
Meanwhile, a growing body of evidence connects GMOs with health problems, environmental damage and violation of farmers’ and consumers’ rights.”

“GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE). This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.”

Love deeply, eat mindfully and care,
Kim Gilroy